Outsider V.2016-01-11 10:45:35
Outsider V., 2016-01-11 10:45:35

How to install Symphony 3.0 on Apache?

Until now, I have not used frameworks at all and have little understanding of what Symphony is (I decided to start understanding it), and how the project should look on it.
Following the standard instructions, I created the Apache24\htdocs\test.local project folder (this is the domain for the test project), threw the symphony installer ( https://symfony.com/installer) there , launched it with the following parameters:
php symphony new blog 3.0
The blog subfolder was created:
The console displayed :

OK Symfony 3.0.1 was successfully installed. Now you can:
* Change your current directory to E:\Program Files\Apache24\htdocs\test.local\blog
* Configure your application in app/config/parameters.yml file.
* Run your application:
1. Execute the php bin/console server:run command.
2. Browse to the localhost:8000 URL.
* Read the documentation at symfony.com/doc

What's next is unclear. Here it is proposed to start the PHP server, but I need it on Apache. And if this is a project, then where is its index.php, where is at least htaccess? I tried to move the contents of the blog to the root folder of the domain - Apache displays the contents of the directory, but I don’t understand how to start the project.
The instructions (both standard and unofficial) have a bunch of installation methods, almost all the instructions are outdated ... But I saw somewhere that the web interface should already start, in which further configuration is performed. I understand correctly: Symphony can work as a CMS, that is, like Joomla for example?
Please explain step by step what to do next in order to launch a project on Apache, and then I will figure it out myself.

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3 answer(s)
Alexey Ukolov, 2016-01-11

And if this is a project, then where is its index.php, where is at least htaccess?
In the web folder , it's kind of obvious. Everything else is a standard web server setup.

seriogja, 2016-01-11

Excuse me, but your question is similar to: 'What if I don't want to read the documentation and make everything work?'. In order not to be unfounded, I will write down the points:
I note that in my opinion, "learning frameworks" right away with Symphony is somewhat difficult. If you are a beginner, then perhaps you should start with something simpler.

OnYourLips, 2016-01-11

Until now, I have not used frameworks at all and have little understanding of what Symphony is (I decided to start understanding it), and how the project should look on it.

You made a mistake and downloaded the wrong project.
Framework - Symfony .
And Sym ph ony is a CMS based on it.
Apache is not needed - its use is meaningless. We use nginx as a web server in production.
The built-in PHP web server is also suitable for development.

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