maxxxixxxx2014-07-31 05:57:55
maxxxixxxx, 2014-07-31 05:57:55

How to install Memcache on Centos 6?

Not Memcached, but Memcache .
The main thing is that the server does not bend down, a lot of things are spinning on it now.
Maybe somehow through ispmanager, and so through ssh.
You also need to configure Memcache so that cookies are written as usual and Memcache itself does not affect any standard server settings.

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2 answer(s)
maxxxixxxx, 2014-07-31

In short, crap does not work, but all because you need to install php 5.4
As a result, after moving from 5.3 to 5.4, the ISO-8859-1 encoding was covered, now it is utf-8 by default in the htmlspecialchars function

Puma Thailand, 2014-07-31

yum install php-memcache -y
service httpd restart

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