Fedor Nikiforov2018-12-17 18:24:21
Fedor Nikiforov, 2018-12-17 18:24:21

How to install layout on joomla?

What file is responsible for the output of the material? Analogue of single.php wordpress only for joomla? In the Word press, you can display records (materials) in a cycle in the right amount and in the right categories. How to do the same in joomla? do you have cycles? Something really failed to google. Can you suggest an example of setting layout on joomla. So far, I figured out only how to pull the menu.

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1 answer(s)
Dmitry Rekun, 2018-12-24

In Joomla, the com_content component and its article view layouts are responsible for displaying content. You need to override the output of its layouts. Here is a guide to overrides:
As an example, you can download this template https://master3.alekvolsk.info/ru/ - it contains redefinitions of almost all kernel components.

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