semennn2017-12-09 02:02:44
semennn, 2017-12-09 02:02:44

How to install eslint?

Hello! Help a newbie!
How to install eslint on local machine? For example, in the editor Notepad ++.
I found the plugin at sourceforge.net/projects/notepad-linter/, downloaded it, added it to the plugins folder.
I open the "Plugins-Linter-Edit config" tab, an empty linter.xml file opens.
What to do next? Need to look for a list of rules and manually add to this file?
Or what?

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1 answer(s)
Anton Spirin, 2017-12-09

1. You need to install Eslint itself depending on the project (it is usually not installed globally):
2. If necessary, install configs and plugins.
I advise you to install the eslint-config-airbnb config and the eslint-plugin-prettier plugin .
3. If you use Flow or experimental JS features, install the babel-eslint parser .
4. Create a .eslintrc rules file . Example:

  "extends": [
  "plugins": [
  "parser": "babel-eslint",
  "rules": {
      /* тут пишите правила, 
       * так же при использовании конфигов,
       *  вам скорей всего захочется какие-то 
       * правила, используемые в них, отключить,
       * это можно сделать тут

5. Set the path to Eslint and the configuration file in your IDE , Webstorm finds the configuration and local ESLint in the project itself. Look for how to do this in NotePad++ yourself, most likely there is a configuration guide and full documentation in the repository or on the plug-in website.

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