dordzhiev2014-11-05 01:48:40
dordzhiev, 2014-11-05 01:48:40

How to insert code highlighted in Visual Studio into an article on Habré?

The only thing that came to my mind was to paste the code from the studio into Word, and then copy and paste it into the online WYSIWYG editor, pull out the HTML markup with cunning manipulations and paste it into the article on Habré. Alas, nothing is highlighted. What are the options? I am sure that Khabrovites have ready-made tools for this.

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2 answer(s)
aush, 2014-11-05

The Productivity Power Tools extension adds HTML copy capability to VS.

capslocky, 2014-11-05

The answer is in my article How to keep the original coloring of your code and...

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