denismix2018-11-27 14:40:25
Visual Basic
denismix, 2018-11-27 14:40:25

How to insert a working Excel spreadsheet into an Excel Userform?

Good afternoon!
There is an Excel Book with a bunch of tabular price lists.
Often you need to copy the price from different sheets of this Book and enter it into an auxiliary table with columns:
Price, Quantity, Total (calculated = Price * Quantity) - the location of this table is not important, it is important that it is convenient to copy-paste.
Jumping between sheets or books is inconvenient, the idea arose to place an auxiliary table on the Userform that will hang on top of the pages with price lists.
1. Question - how to stick a working Excel table in Userform with the least bloodshed?
2. Is it possible to make this Userform hang on top of Excel, allowing you to copy data from sheets and switch to different sheets of the Book?
3. Maybe it is possible to open an already existing page of the current or another Book in the form so that the data can be saved / printed and the formula for the Total has already been written?
In general, the most important thing is the ability to copy-paste prices from pages to a table in Userform, otherwise there is no point in undertaking.

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