Simon Tis2019-05-20 11:04:18
Simon Tis, 2019-05-20 11:04:18

How to insert a comment in Bitrix24 into the Contact card upon completion of the process?

There is a business process, there is one branch in it.
Upon completion of this thread, you need to insert a comment into the Contact card.
I suspect that you need to add a php block to the process, and add a comment to the table with a request, but I can not find information on this issue, unfortunately.
If anyone came across a similar topic - tell me where to dig, please.

Answer the question

In order to leave comments, you need to log in

2 answer(s)
univeige, 2019-05-20

To add a comment to a document, there is a special action in the CRM section

Timur Sharifyanov, 2019-06-18

Perhaps "writing to a report" will help, writes to the business process log

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