Vladimir Kai2014-12-18 11:02:07
Online shopping
Vladimir Kai, 2014-12-18 11:02:07

How to increase the number of active WOOCOMMERCE variations?

Hello dear experts!
I ask for your help.
When developing a new project for an online store for interior doors
, I came across the problem of displaying variable products.
The essence of the problem is as follows:
- A variable product has several properties for the user to select - color and size (two properties so far);
- Each property has 8-9 values, that is, 8 door colors, 9 sizes (this is on the example of one model, there can be more property values);
- When setting up a variable product, all product variations are generated (combinations of two properties in different variants);
- I specify the same price for everyone so that all options are activated (if the price is not specified, the variation will not be shown);
- After saving, I go to the product card and see that some options are not available, that is, I receive a message from the system that this product option is not available at the moment! And there are a lot of such options available.
After reviewing the product card after saving, I observe an interesting picture - Some variations cost no price,
although I indicated the price for them and by mass changing the property value for all variations and simply manually.
Or, it happens that the price is assigned and after saving, everyone has it, but some variations have the "Enabled" parameter disabled, and they are not displayed in the product card. I also changed the values, but the effect is zero!
As far as I know, the WooCommerc script allows you to generate and display 50 variations (or 30 guaranteed variations),
in my case, there are more than 50 variations and the system does not allow them to be activated.
I read a thread that one developer increased the number of available active variations to 500.
How can I do the same? I do not need 500, I think a maximum of 200-250 or less.
Generally advise.
I have already searched all the forums, tortured the search engines .. and the work is worth it only because of the variations!

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1 answer(s)
Vladimir Kai, 2014-12-22

It was in the server settings. The host responded to the problem.
For hosting LOGOL.RU (it is now REG.RU) - we act according to this instruction:
Redefining PHP parameters
Very often, developers are faced with the need to change some PHP parameters to ensure the correct operation of their scripts.
For example, to increase the size of files uploaded to the server through PHP scripts, it is sometimes necessary to redefine the post_max_size and upload_max_filesize variables.
On a shared hosting, you can cope with this task as follows:
Create a php.ini file in the directory where the PHP scripts for which you need to redefine the value of variables are located;
Write the variables and their new values ​​​​in this file, as shown in the example below:
post_max_size = 20M
upload_max_filesize = 20M max_input_vars
= 9000
PHP scripts only in the directory where the php.ini file is located.
If you want to change variables in PHP for all subdirectories of the current directory, create an .htaccess file in the current directory and write the following directive in it:
SetEnv PHPRC "/home/cpXXXXXX/path_to_c_php.ini"
where cpXXXXXX is the login from the hosting site.
For example:
SetEnv PHPRC "/home/cp100500/public_html"
Changes take effect immediately.

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