denism3002018-11-14 19:11:43
denism300, 2018-11-14 19:11:43

How to improve Woocommerce performance?

Woocommerce has variable products that can have up to 27,000 variations.
However, when adding more than 1000 variations, the admin panel starts to get stupid, and when you try to save it, it gives an error 500, but it saves.
How would you fix it?

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2 answer(s)
Mr Crabbz, 2018-11-14

Since the price of all variations is the same, I would consider abandoning the standard Woo variations in favor of a simpler solution. For example, you can create a custom set of meta fields (even through the same ACF - for convenience), and when ordering, let the client choose from them. And in the order itself, stupidly attach a line compiled based on the options selected by the user. Thus, your admin panel will not be stupid (due to the fact that there will be only 1 product in the database), and it will be easier for the user.

Pychev Anatoly, 2018-11-14

27,000 variations for one product?
And how do you imagine the user of your store will have to decide what product he needs?
And what is this product that can have 27 thousand varieties? And how many attributes do you have for this product?

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