stripwire2021-01-18 09:29:59
stripwire, 2021-01-18 09:29:59

How to import internal dependencies in golang?

Let's say my project is in ~/project/ .
I want to connect ~/project/pkg/foo to ~/project/main/main.go.

Can I do it under the following conditions?
- don't move the project to $GOPATH/src
- don't use import "github.com/user/project/..." - do
n't import "../pkg/foo" (may cause errors)

in the future, this scenario did not occur:
- $ git clone project
- $ go build ...
- Go starts pumping the same turnip into $GOPATH/src/github.com

(I'm new to go, and I just learned about go modules. Therefore examples are likely to be crooked)

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1 answer(s)
Pavel Gryaznov, 2021-01-19

The orthodox correct way to specify a dependency is via "github.com/user/project/..."
You can just go look at the code for large projects like
https:/ /github.com/docker/engine/blob/master/cmd/d...
If there is an urgent need to do all this right at home and never upload it anywhere, you can do this:
go mod init localpack

package localpack

func Hi(s string) string {
   return "Hi " +s + ". I'm local package."

package main
import "localpack"

func main() {
   s := localpack.Hi("Red")

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