Roman Kharchenko2019-08-01 05:03:50
Roman Kharchenko, 2019-08-01 05:03:50

How to import an internal package?

There is a package: https://godoc.org/golang.org/x/tools/internal/semver
I want to use it.

import (

Naturally I get:
***\app.go:6:2: use of internal package golang.org/x/tools/internal/semver not allowed

GOPATH is globally defined as C:\Users\NameUser\go
Everything is in place. But what kind of hedgehog is not connected?
import (

When I do this, I can't figure out how to use semver.

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1 answer(s)
Roman Kharchenko, 2019-08-01

It's hard to learn Go... not all things seem obvious...
In general, there is magic: https://godoc.org/-/subrepo
NAKUYA?!?! I do not know. Why create 2 repositories, I xs ?! But that's how it works. Many other things in Go seem strange to me - more precisely, their implementation.

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