Mikhail Shimansky2018-11-07 15:46:42
Mikhail Shimansky, 2018-11-07 15:46:42

How to implement the transfer of information to a new version of the site?

There is an old version of the site running on the prestashop platform available at site.com.ua.
You need to install the Open Cart platform and transfer all the information to this platform.
How to implement this move on your own so that both the old site and the new one are available, and then just delete the unnecessary version?
All work is done on hosting.
Thanks in advance.

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3 answer(s)
Alexander, 2018-11-07

opencart has a plugin for this case https://www.opencart.com/index.php?route=marketpla...

ITLandgraf, 2018-11-08

You can create a subdomain, for example, opencart.site.com.ua , deploy OpenCart in it, copy product pictures there, reload the database with prices and product descriptions. All this time the site.com.ua and opencart.site.com.ua domains will be equally accessible. Upon completion of the work, you can transfer OpenCart to the main domain, and save the site on Prestashop on a backup subdomain just in case.

Pepic Papilazio, 2019-11-26

Transfer of products with pictures, prices and customers with their shipping addresses, etc. not such a difficult task.
But after all, the most valuable things there are statistics and sales history, correspondence with customers, etc. Or is your prestashop empty?

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