Konstantin Andreevich2015-01-26 16:24:57
Konstantin Andreevich, 2015-01-26 16:24:57

How to implement such a fluent interface in php?

I really liked the idea of ​​a fluid interface that is used in Laravel 4 and Yii2. But, unfortunately, I cannot fully understand how such things are implemented.
Here is an example:

Route::get('/page/{id}', '[email protected]')->where(['id' => $id]);

How to implement something like this? Most importantly:
- how to implement with a static method(Route::get)?
- how to make it so that despite the fact that the parameter is passed last (where), it is available for the get method?
- and finally, how in such an example to make sure that all the necessary actions take place in the get method, and it is not just a method that returns some class.
UPD: look at what I have a big plug:
Route::set('11', '22')->where('33');

class Route 
    public static function set($uri, $action)
        return new Router($uri, $action);

class Router
    private $params;
    private $uri;
    private $action;

    public function __construct($uri, $action)
        $this->uri    = $uri;
        $this->action = $action;


    public function where($params)
        $this->params = $params;

    public function master()
        echo $this->uri . ' | ' . $this->action . ' | ' . $this->params;

    // ... ниже геттеры-сеттеры

Well, it gives me only such a line "11 | 22 |". I realize that I'm calling $this-master() from the constructor when the where method hasn't fired yet. But how else? What am I missing?

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2 answer(s)
keltanas, 2015-01-26

Как реализовать подобное?

Да как любой текучий интерфейс.
- php.net/manual/en/function.forward-static-call.php подойдет?
- для метода get(), или чтобы интерфейс объекта, который возвращает get() имел метод where()?
- метод не может возвращать класс ни при каких обстоятельствах. А какие еще действия должны происходить в методе get() кроме return new Controller() и зачем?

tuxx, 2015-01-26


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