Sasha_Fenix2016-01-22 12:22:04
Sasha_Fenix, 2016-01-22 12:22:04

How to implement service+plugin for wordpress?

Please help me to find the implementation of such a problem. There is a plugin "Hypercontext", its work can be viewed on this site egosila.ru/prostata/prostatit/vospalenie-predstate... and the screen joxi.ru/xAe08BLIYMKYq2.
The plugin works as standard, in the settings admin panel, designed to order. Now we need to rewrite the plugin so that it runs as a service on a separate domain and is linked to wordpress sites. There is a similar functionality in the TizerDevision service if anyone knows. Any ideas?

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1 answer(s)
Igor Vorotnev, 2016-01-24

Anything can be rewritten. But this is not the amount of work that can fit in one answer on the Toaster. Especially without the code itself. Write a technical task. Contact the developers of this plugin, or hire an outside developer.

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