Eugene Khablak2017-10-11 17:44:08
Database migration
Eugene Khablak, 2017-10-11 17:44:08

How to implement migrations in a project?

On the project there was a question about creation of migrations. It would be really convenient to update the database for all colleagues through the console, and on the server you can do it automatically. We are writing a project on our own assembled framework and there was no possibility of db migration there. Actually, what is the question: try to write a migration library or use an existing one? If you write yourself, I would like to see how others do it (links to the source are welcome). Thanks to everyone who will respond!

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1 answer(s)
Eugene Khablak, 2017-10-12

Since the answer is no, I decided to publish the library I came across while looking for the answer to my question:
(5 minutes, normal flight)

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