Archakov Dennis2016-03-25 18:13:46
Archakov Dennis, 2016-03-25 18:13:46

How to implement a regular expression?

I want to make my own highlighting and everything is going fine, but these regular seasons are difficult for me :) Help me make the highlighting right.

var find = new Array(

    var replacing = function(syntax,i){
    	var arr = new Array(
          "<span class=\""+ syntax +" ff\">$1</span>",
          "<span class=\""+ syntax +" fn\">$1</span>",
          "<span class=\""+ syntax +" cc\">//$1</span>"
    	return arr[i];

It highlights like this:
And it is necessary that it highlights not only, for example , $ , but the entire variable.
Who can share regular expressions, but not plugins. I've already looked and it's better to make my own than to correct someone else's code.

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2 answer(s)
khipster, 2016-03-25

And I thought that I don’t like ready-made solutions :D

\$[a-z]+[^ ] // вместо a-z укажи все допустимые символы для переменных

skyfortress, 2016-03-25


var find = new Array(

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