god_we_trust2018-11-09 13:49:27
god_we_trust, 2018-11-09 13:49:27

How to hide the Bitrix template?

Tell me how to hide the template name in the code so that there are no such things:
1) //xn----btbk5aaeaacdboh4d6h.xn--90ais.opt-css.1c-bitrix-cdn.ru/bitrix/cache/css/s1 /matilda_s1/kernel_main/kernel_main.css?154176020228845"
2)//xn----btbk5aaeaacdboh4d6h.xn--90ais.opt-css.1c-bitrix-css.ru/bitrix/themes/intec.startshop/web/colorpicker /css/colorpicker.css?15403714873020"
and generally 300 mentions of Matilda ... can I rename it to my own or is it an incredible crap?

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2 answer(s)
Ainur Valiev, 2018-11-09

glue them. although concatenation works somehow in Bitrix.

Pavel Romanov, 2018-11-10

You have "matilda_s1" - this is the id of the template, "intec.startshop" - the name. Both can be changed. Create a copy of the template with a new name in /bitrix/templates/ and specify this template in the admin panel as the main one for the site.
But keep in mind that there will be several problems:

  1. intec.startshop is a ready-made solution, so you will have to manually transfer updates from the marketplace to a copy of the template, because by default they can only be loaded into the standard directory
  2. Perhaps, after changing the template, there will be problems with displaying the site, because. Do you have website acceleration enabled by CDN? In this case, disable this option temporarily.

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