Look_At_Me2018-12-25 08:58:37
Look_At_Me, 2018-12-25 08:58:37

How to hide a text file in the image (jpg) code?

There is some kind of picture that you can open or send somewhere (in general, the most common picture), but if you open the picture through notepad, you could see some text that I actually left. Attention question! How to do it and is it possible?

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4 answer(s)
Lander, 2018-12-25

In general, Google on request "jpeg steganography" produces a lot of interesting things . For example here and here .

Alexander, 2018-12-25

The image has metadata, so you can add anything to them.

Anton Fedoryan, 2018-12-25

If it’s so primitive to act, then jpeg has a comment field (read the specification), you can write and read it there by opening it in a hex editor. A simple notepad will not work. In general, this is called steganography (also worth reading).

Denis Grigorov, 2019-03-05

You can hide in a picture using the JHIDE program ... you can also hide a message in audio files. For example, in a sound spectrogram, or in an mp3 file album ...

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