1grand2019-08-22 00:00:36
1grand, 2019-08-22 00:00:36

How to get user id / chat id telebot?

There is a code for a telegram bot (Telebot or pyTelegramBotApi).

def start_message(message):
    bot.send_message(message.chat.id, 'test')

You need to get the user ID (message.chat.id) in a variable, without sending a message. How can I do that?

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2 answer(s)
Danil K., 2019-08-28

body = '{message}\n' \
           '--\n' \
           '{first}, {last}\n' \
           '{username}, {id}'.format(message=message.text, first=message.from_user.first_name,
                                     last=message.from_user.last_name, username=message.from_user.username,

Groosha, 2019-08-22

message.from_user.id is more correct, because in groups, message.chat.id will return the group ID, not the specific user. But if you are sure that the case will be limited only to dialogues (private messages), then message.chat.id is also appropriate.

def start_message(message):
    your_variable = message.from_user.id

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