kolomat2020-09-11 15:57:02
kolomat, 2020-09-11 15:57:02

How to get the value up to a specific character?

Good afternoon, please advise me on this issue. There is a part of the query
LEFT JOIN main_color c ON m.color = c.color_en
But the problem is that for example in the color column the value can be Yelow / White, and in the color_en table it will be exclusively Yellow, respectively, the query does not find such a value. Is it possible to somehow form a request so that everything in m.color would be cut off before / and then compared with c.color_en?

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1 answer(s)
Sergey Vodakov, 2020-09-11

LEFT JOIN main_color c ON m.color LIKE '%'+c.color_en+'%'

Finds both Yelow/White and White/Yelow and even Yelowpage (assuming c.color_en = Yelow)
what would cut everything in m.color up to / and then compare it with c.color_en?

If so, then:
LEFT JOIN main_color c ON m.color LIKE '%/'+c.color_en

In this case, it will only find White/Yelow
AND not find WhiteYelow

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