Senseich2018-03-21 22:01:36
C++ / C#
Senseich, 2018-03-21 22:01:36

How to get the value of an xml tag in C#?

I'm new to C#, so far I'm doing it by examples, trying to modernize the code. But I got up, I don’t understand how to correctly extract the value of the cityname2 tag from this file: www.eurometeo.ru/russia/moskva/export/xml/data
Here is the code:

string sity = @"http://www.eurometeo.ru/russia/moskva/export/xml/data/";

            string xmlData = new WebClient().DownloadString(sity);

            var xmlColItems = XDocument.Parse(xmlData);

            string text = xmlColItems.Descendants("weather")


The tag itself (the element displays), but as a value, something does not work out. When adding .Value , it displays an error:
I still don’t really understand what this means, help me figure it out.

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4 answer(s)
Smilley, 2018-03-21

Try swapping Value and ToString(). ToString() itself converts the object to a string, no further action on the string is needed.

Milton812, 2018-03-26

string sity = @"http://www.eurometeo.ru/russia/moskva/export/xml/data/";
string xmlData = new WebClient().DownloadString(sity);
var xmlColItems = XDocument.Parse(xmlData);
var query = xmlColItems.Descendants("weather").Descendants("city").Select(p => new { c = p.Element("cityname2").Value }).ToList()[0];
string text = query.c.ToString();
byte[] bytes = Encoding.Convert(Encoding.Unicode, Encoding.GetEncoding(1251), Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(text));
text = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(bytes);

lvv85, 2018-03-22

Try like this:

string text = xmlColItems.Descendants("weather")

Nikita, 2018-03-22

You don't have a Value property because you always return a collection of XElements.
You either need to loop through this collection, or bypass it through LINQ and take the Value from the elements.

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