Doit2021-05-04 19:30:05
Doit, 2021-05-04 19:30:05

How to get the names of north, east, south from wind deg in degrees?

I tried it like this

wind = w.wind()
    w3 = wind['deg']
    w4 = itog

    c = range(337,380)
    c = range(0,22)
    cv = range(22,67)
    v = range(67,112)
    yv = range(112,157)
    y = range(157,202)
    yz = range(202,247)
    z = range(247,292)
    cz = range(292,337)

    if w3 == c:
        itog = 'С';
    elif w3 == cv:
    	itog = 'СВ';
    elif w3 == v:
    	itog = 'В';
    elif w3 == yv:
    	itog = 'ЮВ';
    elif w3 == y:
    	itog = 'Ю';
    elif w3 == yz:
    	itog == 'ЮЗ';
    elif w3 == z:
    	itog == 'З';
    elif w3 == cz:
    	itog == 'СЗ';

    answer = 'В городе '+message.text+' направление ветра ' + w4

    if message.text == message.text:
    	bot.send_message(message.from_user.id, answer);

It gives this UnboundLocalError: local variable 'itog' referenced before assignment
In general, tell me how bad everything is with me and how best to do it?

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2 answer(s)
kisaa, 2021-05-05

winddirections = ("северный", "северо-восточный", "восточный", "юго-восточный", "южный", "юго-западный", "западный", "северо-западный")
direction = int((degrees + 22.5) // 45 % 8)

Yupiter7575, 2021-05-04

w4 = itog
you first used the variable
then you created it.

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