itgood2019-01-29 14:26:40
C++ / C#
itgood, 2019-01-29 14:26:40

How to get the entire get response from the server?

Help, there is a problem, I can’t get the whole answer, I make a Post request to get the json response, the current part of the data comes here is the code

data.AddHeader("origin", "https://www.anghami.com");
            data.AddHeader("Referer", "https://play.anghami.com/search/%D0%B1%D0%B0%D1%81%D1%82%D0%B0/top");

            pairs["type"] = "GETtabsearch";
            pairs["output"] = "jsonhp";

            pairs["query"] = "баста";
            pairs["edge"] = "false";
            pairs["musiclanguage"] = "1";
            pairs["searchtype"] = "Top";
            pairs["Page"] = "0";
            pairs["count"] = "";
            pairs["lang"] = "en";
            pairs["language"] = "en";
            pairs["angh_type"] = "GETtabsearch";
            pairs["fingerprint"] = "89e56b6a-5cc6-46bf-8857-4bd03d7fb49dR";

            pairs["web2"] = "true";
            //string path = "https://api.anghami.com/gateway.php?type=GETtabsearch&output=jsonhp&" + "output=" + "наггано" + "&edge=false&musiclanguage=1&searchtype=top&page=0&count=&lang=en&language=en&angh_type=GETtabsearch&fingerprint=89e56b6a-5cc6-46bf-8857-4bd03d7fb49dR&web2=true";

            string content2 = data.Post("https://api.anghami.com/gateway.php?type=GETtabsearch&output=jsonhp&query=%D0%B1%D0%B0%D1%81%D1%82%D0%B0&edge=false&musiclanguage=1&searchtype=top&page=0&count=&lang=en&language=en&angh_type=GETtabsearch&fingerprint=89e56b6a-5cc6-46bf-8857-4bd03d7fb49dR&web2=true", pairs).ToString();

comes this answer

but need one
{xmlns: "http://api.anghami.com/rest/v1", status: "ok", version: "1.0.0", webplayer: 1548758665,…}
  moreData: 0
refreshgroups: ["user", "song", "album", "artist"]
responsetype: "GETtabsearch"
sections: [{type: "album", group: "albums", count: 20, displaytype: "list", searchgroup: "album",…},…]
status: "ok"
version: "1.0.0"
webplayer: 1548758665
xmlns: "http://api.anghami.com/rest/v1"

xs what to do already tried everything

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