Vann Damm2019-10-22 18:12:19
Vann Damm, 2019-10-22 18:12:19

How to get textarea height?

How to get the height of an element's textarea (also get when it increases) in a React component. Thanks

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4 answer(s)
Konstantin, 2019-10-22

1. Get a reference to the home element using ref
2. Get the height of the resulting DOM element

Shohruh Shaimardonov, 2019-10-22

Height can be received through el.outerHeight
And to receive it when increases it is necessary to write the crutch. The most banal option is when you listen to the onchange event, you can also listen to the merge of the mouse (if you want to catch the resize with the mouse, and not the increase due to the amount of content)

KononovD, 2019-10-22

<textarea ref=(node=>this.__anyName) onInput={(e)=>console.log(e.currentTarget.scrollHeight)} />

const height = this.__anyName.scrollHeight

Mikhail Osher, 2019-10-22

Working with textarea in React is not the most trivial.
You can see the implementations:
- TextareaAutosize in Material UI: https://github.com/mui-org/material-ui/blob/master...
- react-textarea-autosize: https://github.com/andreypopp/react -textarea-autosize

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