logan baby2021-08-20 22:59:28
C++ / C#
logan baby, 2021-08-20 22:59:28

How to get started with viruses in c++?

Throw plz material / libraries, something. I want to start writing viruses, I have knowledge of the language.

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2 answer(s)
Alexander Lamdan, 2021-08-21

Download books on hacking and learn C++, cryptography, encryption and antivirus in depth.
If you are ready to actually have patience, then for God's sake.
Study the structure of all systems that surround you.
Want to write for Windows 10? Learn how it works.
Want to write for Ubuntu? Study thoroughly all the nuances of ubunta.
A virus is a program that is introduced into the system and tries to arrange destruction.
A high-quality virus can attract global criminal liability, but at the same time it is likely that you will be interested in special services that, for your talent and knowledge, can be hired as a hacker.

Evgeny Petryaev, 2021-08-23

Here for a start https://habr.com/en/post/520400/

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