hbrmdc2016-12-06 10:40:27
hbrmdc, 2016-12-06 10:40:27

How to get specific keys from mongoDB collection?

Let's say a collection in mongoDB looks like this:

directory: directory: {
  subdirectory: {
    SubSubdirectory: {
  someString: 'lorem...'
anotherDirectory: {

The nesting levels can be, say, up to 20.
The sizes of strings (someString) can be from a few words to, say, 100 thousand characters.
How can I access only the keys of this entire collection? And not to all at once, but by levels: first I need only two root keys (directory, anotherDirectory, ...), then nested keys in the directory (subDirectory, someString, ...)
and so on
How to do this?

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