Legebocker2018-04-01 09:43:10
C++ / C#
Legebocker, 2018-04-01 09:43:10

How to get rid of this exception?

The code:
using namespace sf;
////////////////////////////////////Общий класс-родитель//////////////////////////
class Entity {
  std::vector<Object> obj;
  float dx, dy, x, y, speed,moveTimer;
  int w,h,health;
  bool life, isMove, onGround;
  Texture texture;
  Sprite sprite;
  String name;
  Entity(Image &image, String Name, float X, float Y, int W, int H){
    x = X; y = Y; w = W; h = H; name = Name; moveTimer = 0;
    speed = 0; health = 100; dx = 0; dy = 0;
    life = true; onGround = false; isMove = false;
    sprite.setOrigin(w / 2, h / 2);

  FloatRect getRect(){
    return FloatRect(x, y, w, h);
  virtual void update(float time) = 0;
////////////////////////////////////////////////////КЛАСС ИГРОКА////////////////////////
class Player :public Entity {
  enum { left, right, up, down, jump, stay } state;
  int playerScore;

  Player(Image &image, String Name, Level &lev, float X, float Y, int W, int H) :Entity(image, Name, X, Y, W, H ){
       playerScore = 0; state = stay; obj = lev.GetAllObjects();
       if (name == "Player1"){
         sprite.setTextureRect(IntRect(4, 19, w, h));

     void control(){
       if (Keyboard::isKeyPressed){
         if (Keyboard::isKeyPressed(Keyboard::Left)) {
           state = left; speed = 0.1;
         if (Keyboard::isKeyPressed(Keyboard::Right)) {
           state = right; speed = 0.1;

         if ((Keyboard::isKeyPressed(Keyboard::Up)) && (onGround)) {
           state = jump; dy = -0.6; onGround = false;

         if (Keyboard::isKeyPressed(Keyboard::Down)) {
           state = down;


     void checkCollisionWithMap(float Dx, float Dy)

       for (int i = 0; i<obj.size(); i++)
       if (getRect().intersects(obj[i].rect))
         if (obj[i].name == "solid")
           if (Dy>0)	{ y = obj[i].rect.top - h;  dy = 0; onGround = true; }
           if (Dy<0)	{ y = obj[i].rect.top + obj[i].rect.height;   dy = 0; }
           if (Dx>0)	{ x = obj[i].rect.left - w; }
           if (Dx<0)	{ x = obj[i].rect.left + obj[i].rect.width; }
     virtual void update(float time)
       switch (state)
       case right:dx = speed; break;
       case left:dx = -speed; break;
       case up: break;
       case down: dx = 0; break;
       case stay: break;
       x += dx*time;
       checkCollisionWithMap(dx, 0);
       y += dy*time;
       checkCollisionWithMap(0, dy);
       sprite.setPosition(x + w / 2, y + h / 2);
       if (health <= 0){ life = false; }
       if (!isMove){ speed = 0; }
       setPlayerCoordinateForView(x, y);
       if (life) { setPlayerCoordinateForView(x, y); }
       dy = dy + 0.0015*time;


class Enemy :public Entity{
  Enemy(Image &image, String Name,Level &lvl, float X, float Y, int W, int H) :Entity(image, Name, X, Y, W, H){
    obj = lvl.GetObjects("solid");
    if (name == "EasyEnemy"){
      sprite.setTextureRect(IntRect(0, 0, w, h));
      dx = 0.1;

  void checkCollisionWithMap(float Dx, float Dy)

    for (int i = 0; i<obj.size(); i++)
    if (getRect().intersects(obj[i].rect))
        if (Dy>0)	{ y = obj[i].rect.top - h;  dy = 0; onGround = true; }
        if (Dy<0)	{ y = obj[i].rect.top + obj[i].rect.height;   dy = 0; }
        if (Dx>0)	{ x = obj[i].rect.left - w;  dx = -0.1; sprite.scale(-1, 1); }
        if (Dx<0)	{ x = obj[i].rect.left + obj[i].rect.width; dx = 0.1; sprite.scale(-1, 1); }

  void update(float time)
    if (name == "EasyEnemy"){
      checkCollisionWithMap(dx, 0);
      x += dx*time;
      sprite.setPosition(x + w / 2, y + h / 2);
      if (health <= 0){ life = false; }

int main()
  RenderWindow window(VideoMode(640, 480), "Davoyan is gay");
  view.reset(FloatRect(0, 0, 640, 480));

  Level lvl;

  Image heroImage;

  Image easyEnemyImage;
  easyEnemyImage.createMaskFromColor(Color(255, 0, 0));

  Object player=lvl.GetObject("player");

  Player p(heroImage, "Player1", lvl, player.rect.left, player.rect.top, 40, 30);
  std::list<Entity*>  entities;
  std::list<Entity*>::iterator it;
  std::vector<Object> e = lvl.GetObjects("EasyEnemy");

  for (int i = 0; i < e.size(); i++)
    entities.push_back(new Enemy(easyEnemyImage, "EasyEnemy", lvl, e[i].rect.left, e[i].rect.top, 200, 97));

  Clock clock;
  while (window.isOpen())

    float time = clock.getElapsedTime().asMicroseconds();

    time = time / 800;
    Event event;
    while (window.pollEvent(event))
      if (event.type == sf::Event::Closed)
    for (it = entities.begin(); it != entities.end();)
      Entity *b = *it;
      if (b->life == false) { it = entities.erase(it); delete b; }
      else it++;
    for (it = entities.begin(); it != entities.end(); it++)
      if ((*it)->getRect().intersects(p.getRect()))
        if ((*it)->name == "EasyEnemy") {

          if ((p.dy>0) && (p.onGround == false)) { (*it)->dx = 0; p.dy = -0.2; (*it)->health = 0; }
          else {
            p.health -= 5;	
    for (it = entities.begin(); it != entities.end(); it++) { (*it)->update(time); }

    for (it = entities.begin(); it != entities.end(); it++) {
  return 0;


I don’t understand what causes it, maybe it’s another piece of code, if necessary I’ll attach it. How to fix it?

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