Bongie2018-09-25 18:15:08
Bongie, 2018-09-25 18:15:08

How to get rid of the inner idealist when developing a project?

There is a feature that delays the delivery of the project. It systematically ruins my activity. I create a project, and after a couple of weeks I delete it. I create on a new one and after a week / two - as before. I find small aesthetic gaps that I didn't notice before - and I can't submit a project with a visual (I think) problem.
We can agree on the creation of a project in 1 month, but I will hand it over in half a year. I create one site - three, four or five times from a blank canvas. And it would seem that sometimes these problems are so petty, but I delete each file. Just imagine the loss of time, money, and effort.
To put it more simply and briefly:today I like the project - a week later, I don't like it. I will redo it and am satisfied, but after a week .. a vicious circle. I can't give away a project that I'm not happy with.
I am convinced that this problem is not exceptional and that any of you have experienced it. And if this is true, how did you deal with it?
I don't like the whole base of the built site, not any particular element or page.
It is important to note that the site looks great. If I show it to acquaintances or strangers, they will rate it according to the highest criteria. It's something personal when you realize: "it can be done better than it is now" - and you have to redo everything from scratch

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5 answer(s)
Sanes, 2018-09-25

It will pass with time. When things get better.

Stalker_RED, 2018-09-25

Try not to delete, but give the customer options to choose from.
Find yourself a guru to discuss options with. Not an enthusiastic noob who will praise everything in a row, but one that does not hesitate to point out mistakes.

lamer350, 2018-09-25

Это больше похоже на выгорание, а не на проблему восприятия своей работы как отдельный случай.
В добавок не уверенность в себе, в своих силах. Скорее всего вы достигли какого то потолка и не можете выше прыгнуть. Я думаю вы сами себя обманываете и заказчика в том плане, что работа не сделана и вы просто тянете сроки з за лени. Что значит не можете отдать заказчику работу если она вам не нравится? Человек, который обратился к вам, вложил в свой бизнес деньги и вы затягиваете его реализацию, он наверняка сидит на последние деньги которые тоже заканчиваются, а у вас капризы как у 5ти летнего ребенка. Вы должны понимать что люди в это время теряют деньги.
You just need to jump above your head, you are most likely sitting too long, you need to start moving! Or change your profession for a while, this will also help overcome burnout.

Andrey Larin, 2018-09-27

In short, perfectionism is a neurosis. Often a person "licks" everything to the ideal. protects himself from possible criticism, even from his own in the form of self-accusations. No persuasion can fix this if you do not understand the very mechanism of the problem.
But the topic is vast and in a good way it is necessary to solve it with a psychologist. I recommend finding in YouTube (or in VK audio) records " Zvonov - procrastination ". He has two of them, it tells in detail what perfectionism is, how it arises and how to treat it.

Matvey Pravosudov, 2018-10-19

Strictly speaking, perfectionism is not about manic pixel alignment. And not about accuracy, bordering on OCD. Perfectionism is the inability to accept any "me" other than the ideal.
The conditional Vova allows only two results of work - either an ephemeral, ingenious, unattainable ideal, or a complete collapse. Options in the middle are unacceptable.

via How perfectionism works .

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