latarm2020-09-15 05:12:03
latarm, 2020-09-15 05:12:03

How to get rid of excessive glow in a material created in ShaderGraph?

I can't understand why this plane reflects absolutely all the light, because in theory it should be transparent. If I set the surface mode to opaque in the shader, then the material becomes completely black.
Where and what needs to be adjusted to achieve the desired result (simple transparency with the Scene color node in the shader)


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1 answer(s)
latarm, 2020-09-15

For reference, I'm using unity 2020.1.3f1 HDRP. And it seems that the problem has been solved. The solution looks like this. It works fine with an active PBR master, but with an unlit master there is still excessive glow when looking through the material at the sky.

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