DenniLa22020-05-03 08:29:10
DenniLa2, 2020-05-03 08:29:10

How to get property from plugin in vue component?

The plugin has its own store. There is someProp property in the plugin store.

export default {
  namespaced: true,
  state: {
    someProp: null,
  mutations: {
    set(state, value) {
      state.someProp = value;

The plugin is installed in Vue.prototype.$myPlugin

import myStore from './store'

export default {
  install(Vue, { store }) {
    store.registerModule('myStore', myStore);

    Vue.prototype.$myPlugin = {
      set(value) {
        store.commit('myStore/set', value);
      // как правильно возвращать someProp из стора через плагин?
      someProp: store.state.myStore.someProp, // << это возвращает null и после изменения через мутацию

I want to do this in the component: Tell me how to do this?
<div>{{ $myPlugin.someProp }}</div>

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