Vasya2019-03-25 13:47:57
Vasya, 2019-03-25 13:47:57

How to get notification about updating VK avatar?

How to get a notification about updating a vk user's avatar?
I need to somehow receive notifications about updating the avatar, if the avatar has been updated, then execute the code ..

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3 answer(s)
isrofilov, 2019-03-25

Calculate the hash of the photo, if it has changed - execute the code

Sergey Pliskin, 2019-03-25

First, in any convenient way, you need to save information about the current avatar, and then, at the right time, check whether this information has changed (store the link, name, hash, etc.).

stepan-neretin7, 2019-03-25

I will supplement the comments above. Also, do not forget to put it on cron

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