Roman2018-06-28 16:50:52
C++ / C#
Roman, 2018-06-28 16:50:52

How to get location in unity?

How to get location in Unity and which maps are free to use?
For example: a button is pressed - until the user presses another button, the geo-position is tracked and entered (in the form of lines) on the map.
How to do this?

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1 answer(s)
freeExec, 2018-06-28

Position - https://docs.unity3d.com/ru/530/ScriptReference/In... There are a
lot of maps, the best SDK is probably from Mapbox. But of course, free everywhere up to a certain limit. However, if you finish mapbox, you can use local data. But here is a double-edged sword, the larger the coverage of the territory and the more detailed the map, the more the application weighs.

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