Vlad1712015-05-08 12:15:57
Vlad171, 2015-05-08 12:15:57

How to get data from $resource object?

There is an API with which I work through $resource. Through var model=Mymodel.query() I get an object of the form [$promise: Promise, $resolved: false], in which an array with data sits in $promise. Yes, I understand, asynchrony, receiving data through promises, etc. On a theoretical level, it's understandable. But there is a task - to get data of type model.data from Mymodel.query (for example) and save it to a variable. Attempts like:
model.$promise.then(function(response) {
return undefined. Any connoisseurs? Explain to the amateur what the truth is ......

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4 answer(s)
Maxim Dunayevsky, 2015-05-08

It is correct to write like this:

(function(A) {
    "use strict";
    A.module('App').controller('Ctrl', ['$resource', '$scope', functino($resource, $scope) {
        var r = $resource('/api/items/:id/', {
            id: '@id'
        }, {
            update: {
                method: 'PUT' //Необязательная фича для Django REST Framework
        $scope.loading = true;
        $scope.items = [];

            //А можно передать параметры, скажем, limit и offset
        }, function(response) {
            $scope.items = response;
            $scope.loading = false;
        }, function(response) {
            $scope.loadign = false;
            $scope.errors = response.data; // Так DRF отдаёт ошибки

Mikhail Osher, 2015-05-08

ngResource - not really.
Restangular - fire.

Sergey Gavrilov, 2015-05-08

And if you look in the debugger, what is in 'response'?

Vlad171, 2015-05-08

Weird. It seems that Angular is fashionable now, but there are few real experts on it...

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