Never Ever2019-10-19 10:36:43
Never Ever, 2019-10-19 10:36:43

How to get data after filtering in yii2?

I just recently started learning yii2, so I have a few questions, probably quite simple ones.
I have a form for searching and the table itself for output (quite usual, made by CRUD)
I just need to take the results of filtering (WHERE condition1 AND condition2 AND condition3 ...;)
and put in my custom Postgres SELECT query
FROM TableName
JOIN jsonb_object_keys(data) as k on true WHERE condition1
AND condition2 AND condition3 ...
GROUP BY k it to the submit form? And so briefly
1) How to get this request?
2) How will you need to make your custom request using yii2? Where should I put this request in model or in modelSearch ?
3) how to pass it to pjax side submit form?

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1 answer(s)
Maxim, 2019-10-19

1. Requests are not the responsibility of an entity, but of a separate repository. In Yii, you can make a Query model. For example PostQuery. There and make this request. From PostSearch you call this method.
3. I did not quite understand what the problem is. But if I understood correctly, then you are talking about connections. Use connections.
Section "declaring relationships"

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