sidsukana2016-08-16 10:08:39
C++ / C#
sidsukana, 2016-08-16 10:08:39

How to get an element by index in std::tuple for an unknown number of arguments?

Good afternoon!
Just a straight-forward question:
Why doesn't this construction compile?

template<typename... Args>
MotionState* MotionMaster::CreateStandartState(MotionStateId stateId, Args... args)
    std::tuple<Args...> params = std::make_tuple(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
    float x = std::get<0>(params);
    float y = std::get<1>(params);
    float z = std::get<2>(params);

And it gives an error
std::get': no ​​matching overloaded function found
And if you explicitly specify the number of template arguments, then this construction works.
How to unpack parameters sequentially?

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2 answer(s)
AtomKrieg, 2016-08-16

Expand into an array and take from there by index.

sidsukana, 2016-08-16

As I understand it, only the same type of parameters can be expanded into an array. I may have different ones.

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