aminought2016-07-01 18:35:51
aminought, 2016-07-01 18:35:51

How to get an access_token for a standalone VK.API application with minimal effort?

Good evening. Is it possible to automatically get a token for a standalone application? Everything is clear with the site, you open the port and you get it, but then there will be no access to messages, but I need them. Roughly speaking, it will be a golang bot. Is there a way?
UPD. About two years ago I did it with the help of the Qt library browser, and a year ago with the help of Selenium in Java. Any other ideas?

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1 answer(s)
Ilya, 2016-07-01

I take a token by login / password something like this

package client_vk

import (

//Данные приложения для windows клиента
//Это приложение имеет права на прямую авторизацию с логином и паролем
const (
  client_id     = "3697615"
  client_secret = "AlVXZFMUqyrnABp8ncuU"
  authHost      = "oauth.vk.com"
  authPath      = "/token"

func GetClientWithLoginPassword(username, password string) (*Client, bool) {
  token := GetTokenWithLoginPassword(username, password)
  if token == "" {
    return &Client{}, false
  return DefaultClient(token), true

func GetTokenWithLoginPassword(username, password string) string {
  params := paramsMake(username, password)
  req, err := requestmake(params)
  if err != nil {
    return ""
  res, err := http.DefaultClient.Do(req)
  if err != nil {
    return ""
  b, err := ioutil.ReadAll(res.Body)
  if err != nil {
    return ""
  var response ResponseAuthLoginPass
  json.Unmarshal(b, &response)
  return response.AccessToken

func paramsMake(username, password string) url.Values {
  params := url.Values{}
  params.Add("client_id", client_id)
  params.Add("client_secret", client_secret)
  params.Add("grant_type", "password")
  params.Add("v", defailtVersion)
  params.Add("username", username)
  params.Add("password", password)
  return params

func requestmake(params url.Values) (*http.Request, error) {
  u := url.URL{}
  u.Host = authHost
  u.Scheme = defaultScheme
  u.Path = authPath
  u.RawQuery = params.Encode()
  req, err := http.NewRequest(defaultMethod, u.String(), nil)
  return req, err

Part of the code has been cut out, the project will not build. Just as an example.

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