drtvader2017-04-27 07:44:45
drtvader, 2017-04-27 07:44:45

How to get a list of branches?

The point is this. We work with git flow, when someone else closes his branch (git flow feature finish), then the branch is visible to me with the git branch command. Or, for example, I close, and my colleague has this thread hanging.
Although it is not on bitbucket either.
git fetch -a doesn't help.
So how can you update the list of branches?

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4 answer(s)
aol-nnov, 2017-04-27

> Or, for example, I'm closing, and my colleague has this thread hanging.
naturally! Git is a distributed version control system. you do it yourself, while this state is not transmitted to anyone. then you commit and send your creativity to another node (origin), from which the rest can pick up these changes. naturally, the absence of a branch on origin does not lead to the removal of local branches from anyone.
the list of brunches on origin can be viewed like this:
git fetch origin; git branch -r

Alexey Sundukov, 2017-04-27

As far as I remember, the essence of git flow lies precisely in a certain standard for naming branches and rules for working with them. Those. there is a set of branches that always exist. Everyone sees them. And you do the development of features in local branches that are not visible to others. In general, if flow is used to work with git, then there is no point in "updating the list of branches". Because this list is permanent.
Related: Good branching model for Git

dmitriy, 2017-04-27

delete branches that are merged into master

Jason Marketson, 2020-11-20

Do git fetch --all --prune - and you will see the actual branches

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