stayHARD2015-06-28 20:16:13
stayHARD, 2015-06-28 20:16:13

How to generate *.ipa?

Is it possible to somehow generate *.ipa file using Python?
The input data for ipa will be: app name, bundle id, app icon etc.

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3 answer(s)
Espleth, 2015-06-28

The question is almost like "renamed .exe to .apk, why does the phone give an error during installation?"
In general, google cross-platform frameworks for Python, you will learn a lot of interesting things.

GavriKos, 2015-06-28

You forgot the main thing at the entrance - the executable binary. He, too, should be generated by a python chtol?

Viktor Paperno, 2015-06-29

If you want to develop python apps for iOS then there are two options: 1) Kivy python framework
2) Pythonista app

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