Virtex2019-12-09 12:11:32
Virtex, 2019-12-09 12:11:32

How to fix url(symbols in url ---, .) in Wordpress?

Problem. For example, there is a link wordpress.org/plugins/secure-blocks-for-gutenberg/
But you can go to the same page using this option.
and even
wordpress.org/plugins/secure-----.......-- --,,,,,,,,,--blocks--..----,-for..----,---gutenberg/
How to fix that it would be impossible to enter extra characters between words in the path and everything looked like
1) Yes, I tried to google to describe this problem in different ways
2) Yes, I tried to filter to remove extra characters, but as I understand it, it worked when there were only 2 words in the path - one-two , and when the third appeared is not the same, one-two-one
3) I didn’t find a single site on WordPress where
it would be fixed... slug space, extra characters in url), there was no such problem on other engines)

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1 answer(s)
Vinyard Rip, 2019-12-09

htacces Picked
badly. 301 redirect works wonders

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