mih_max2015-10-10 12:06:03
mih_max, 2015-10-10 12:06:03

How to fix the problem with code validation from Yandex Metrica?

The html validator swears at the installed Yandex metric on the site . What is the reason and how can it be corrected?

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3 answer(s)
Vladislav Khusainov, 2015-10-12

Remove the code, make sure that your site works completely correctly without analytics. If so, then paste in the analytics code - and don't check the code again. Why are you upsetting yourself?

Maxim Timofeev, 2015-10-10

1. If this question does not confuse Yandex, why does it confuse you?
2. Validator is not the ultimate truth. It shows what you should pay attention to, and does not require you to fix it necessarily.
3. If you ask a question, take the trouble to describe it in more detail. For example, what exactly did the validator give you? So he wrote "I don't like this Yandex metric code"?

mih_max, 2015-10-10

The comment above failed to paste the code. there he is:

<!-- Yandex.Metrika counter -->↩
<script src="https://mc.yandex.ru/metrika/watch.js" type="text/javascript"></script>↩
<script type="text/javascript">↩
try {↩
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} catch(e) { }↩
<noscript><div><img src="https://mc.yandex.ru/watch/32949789" style="position:absolute; left:-9999px;" alt="" /></div></noscript>↩
<!-- /Yandex.Metrika counter -->↩
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