ZaurK2014-11-01 22:47:48
ZaurK, 2014-11-01 22:47:48

How to fix some news in the top in mySql when selecting news from the database?

Hello! Is it possible to fix certain news in the top with one query when selecting news from the mySql database so that it is always at the top? How to do it?

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2 answer(s)
neolink, 2014-11-01

for example, if it should be an entry with id = 3:

SELECT * FROM news ORDER BY IF(id = 3, 1, 0) DESC, id DESC

Gevoskiy, 2017-01-04

Via CSS:
Add to image width:500px
The browser will choose a proportional height.
Through PHP:

$koe=$iw/150; //150 - ширина.
$dst=ImageCreateTrueColor(150, $new_h);
ImageCopyResampled($dst, $src, 0, 0, 0, 0, 150, $new_h, $iw, $ih);
ImageJPEG($dst, "small_photo.jpg", 100);


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