mstdmstd2020-06-13 14:55:57
mstdmstd, 2020-06-13 14:55:57

How to fix problems with the output of the test on the page?

There is a page with

text output and there are problems with text wrapped in a tag:
1) I display text and if part of the text is wrapped in it,
then this text is somewhere below:

2) below I can’t understand why the ul element and its indents are so elements:

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1 answer(s)
mstdmstd, 2020-06-14

1) This is a bootstrap-vue application and in the reverse case I display the text (in the _.model.text variable)
in the component https://github.com/zdy1988/vue-jstree
trying to expand each cell in width so that the entire text is displayed (or part of it with scrolling)

<button @click="loadAdComments()">loadAdComments</button>
            <template slot-scope="_">
                <div style="display: inherit; width: 100%; heiRRght: 500px !important; border: 2px dotted red;" @click.ctrl="customItemClickWithCtrl">
                    <i :class="_.vm.themeIconClasses" role="presentation" v-if="!_.model.loading"></i>
                    <div class="pre-formatted" v-html="_.model.text"
                             style="max-height: 200px !important; display: inline;justify-self: fleWWx-start;jusWtify-items: flex-start"></div>
                    <button style="border: 2px; background-color: transparent; cursor: pointer;" @click="customItemClick(_.vm, _.model, $event)"><i
                            class="fa fa-remove"></i></button>

2) In the lower case, just output the memo field:
<b-col md="12 m-2">
                <b-card-body v-if="is_page_loaded">
                        <div class="text_wrapper" v-html="adRow.description"></div>

In both cases the text has blocks of text wrapped in and there are problems with them.

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