Dmitry Volokitin2021-04-17 18:11:48
Dmitry Volokitin, 2021-04-17 18:11:48

How to fix java compilation error: cannot find symbol symbol:?

In general:
I am writing a training banking service that calculates interest on a loan. I am more than sure that the error is in the very construction of my code, but I don’t understand how to fix it ... help whoever can.

    public CreditDTO statement(CreditDTO creditDTO){
        CreditEntity creditDtoFromEntity = CreditMap.INSTANCE.toEntity(creditDTO);
        CreditEntity creditEntity = new CreditEntity();//кредит
        creditEntity.setLimit(creditDtoFromEntity.getLimit());//Сумма необходимая клиенту
        creditEntity.setMonths(creditDtoFromEntity.getMonths()); // кол-во месяцев
        creditEntity.getBankEntity().setId(BankMap.INSTANCE.toEntity(creditDTO.getBankDTO()).getId());// id банка
        creditEntity.getClientEntity().setId(ClientMap.INSTANCE.toEntity( creditDTO.getClientDTO()).getId());// id клиента

        CreditEntity save = creditRepo.save(creditEntity);

        return CreditMap.INSTANCE.toDto(save);


    public OfferDTO registration(OfferDTO offerDTO) {

        OfferEntity offer = new OfferEntity();// новое КП
        CreditEntity creditEntity = CreditMap.INSTANCE.toEntity(statement(offerDTO.getCreditDTO()));


        int oneРundredPercent = 100;
        offer.setClientId(offer.getClientId());//id клиента вписываем вручную, раз уж спринг секьюрити нет...
        offer.setPaymentDate(new Date());//дата платежа
        offer.setSumPay(offer.getSum()/creditEntity.getMonths()); //месячный платёж
        offer.setSumPayDeposit(creditEntity.getLimit()/creditEntity.getMonths()); //гашение задолжности без процентов
        offer.setSumPayPercent(offer.getSumPay()-offer.getSumPayDeposit());//гашение процентов

        OfferEntity save = offerRepo.save(offer);
        return OfferMap.INSTANCE.toDto(save);


java: cannot find symbol
  symbol:   method getLimit()
  location: variable creditDtoFromEntity of type com.example.demo.model.entity.CreditEntity


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1 answer(s)
Orkhan, 2021-04-17
Hasanly @azerphoenix

Good afternoon!
Please note that in your console all getters drop out with an error. This happens due to errors when using the lombok library.
For example, the lombok plugin is not installed in IDEA or, for example, annotation processing is not enabled for this project
Make sure you have the plugin installed and enabled - https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/6317-lombok
https://stackoverflow.com /questions/24006937/lombo...

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