Elizabeth Lawrence2020-02-28 22:20:39
Elizabeth Lawrence, 2020-02-28 22:20:39

How to fix file_get_contents giving HTTP request failed! HTTP/1.1 426 Upgrade Required?

Good evening!
When trying to get the content of the page using the construct:

file_get_contents($url, null, stream_context_create(['https' => ['method' => 'GET']]));

I get an HTTP request failed! HTTP/1.1 426 Upgrade Required. I understand that the server requires to be contacted through some other protocol, but how to set the protocol in the file_get_contents function?

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2 answer(s)
Anton Shamanov, 2020-02-28

List of HTTP Status Codes

Lazy @BojackHorseman PHP, 2020-02-28

to fasten openssl to puff newer?

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