Alexander Sinitsyn2015-10-25 21:07:32
Alexander Sinitsyn, 2015-10-25 21:07:32

How to fix an element on a page without fixed?

I did it using jquery, but when scrolling, the element jumps from the old position to the new one. How can I get rid of this twitching. fixed is not suitable, because pulls the element from the parent.

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4 answer(s)
Ilyusha Prokopiev, 2015-10-25

This is the code that should be:


Artem, 2015-10-26

One of the options. Attach a function to scroll events. Where top is the scroll top.

var topOffset = $("#map-search").offset();

function mapSearchScroll(top,topOffset){

  if(top > topOffset.top){
      "-webkit-transform":"translate(0," + (top - topOffset.top) +"px)",
      "-ms-transform":"translate(0," + (top - topOffset.top) +"px)",
      "transform":"translate(0," + (top - topOffset.top) +"px)"


Alexander Wolf, 2015-10-25

Fixing an element on the page implies its isolation. What does "pulls an element from its parent" mean?

Evgeny Danilov, 2015-10-25

I believe that the block becomes sticky, then you must either put it on jquery animate with a position, or make the positions as similar as possible both before and after. And it's hard to say without code examples or screenshots.

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