Alexander N++2016-06-20 17:24:33
Alexander N++, 2016-06-20 17:24:33

How to find the right packages for centos 6.8?

packages from debian but in centos I found only libicu-dev (libicu-devel)

yum install libicu-dev libglib2.0-dev libreadline-dev libzookeeper-mt-dev libmysqlclient-dev libssl-dev unixodbc-dev

the rest are not found at all.
Tell me where to look usually in what turnips.
And how to add turnips correctly or it's easier to download the package itself wget + rpm -Uvh
There is no selenium in the system admin.

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3 answer(s)
CityCat4, 2016-06-21

Packages for centos containing headers and static libraries usually end in -devel.
You can find something whose name is unknown using yum provides "*/<name-of-what-to-do>" (asterisks and quotes are required!). You can also search at rpmfind.net or rpm.pbone.net . In addition to the standard centos rep, I usually use the following:
- Enetres
- Lux
- Webtatic
There is also centalt, or rather its mirror on sysadminguide.net. You can also build it yourself :) Packages for other types of OS will either not be installed due to dependencies, or they will not work.

Danil Biryukov-Romanov, 2016-06-20

There are packages, they are just called differently in Centos, usually called -devel
Adding a repository is usually written on the website of the repository itself.
Installing via wget + rpm -Uvh is a bad idea - because you get tired of updating later and remembering what and where you installed it from.
Search through Google - as a rule, it helps to drive in the package name in debian + centos 6, and you will find the name of the package you need

Igor Nikolaev, 2016-06-20

Are you sure you really need these packages?
yum search ...
That's enough to find what's missing.

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