Michael2015-09-22 09:18:28
Michael, 2015-09-22 09:18:28

How to find the creation date of a file in bat?

Tell me how you can find out the creation date of a file in BAT.
for has a %%~ti variable, but it only points to the modification date of the file. How can I find out the creation date of a file?

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3 answer(s)
Michael, 2015-09-22

Earned as follows

FOR /f "usebackq tokens=1,2,3,* delims= " %%a IN (`dir /-c /tc "%%f"`) DO IF "%%d" == "%%~nf%%~xf" ECHO %%a >> "%~2"

Eugene, 2015-09-22

you can, for example, extract from here:

dir 123.txt /T:C покажет дату создания.
dir 123.txt /T:W покажет дату изменения.

although it's much easier to do in PowerShell:
(Get-Item .\123.txt).CreationTime
(Get-Item .\123.txt).LastWriteTime

and no need to suffer with processing the result of dir

Max, 2015-09-22

Mikhail : FOR /F "tokens=1,2 skip=5" %%i IN ('DIR %1 /tc ') DO (echo %%i %%j && exit 0
) output have the date and time. If you don't need time, just remove %%j in echo

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