tukal-off2016-05-16 16:29:38
tukal-off, 2016-05-16 16:29:38

How to find out if the graphics card is enabled by OpenGL?

There is an implementation of OpenGL in Java - JOGL.
I decided that graphics rendering cannot be rendered in Java by the processor, so I turned to OpenGL.
The question is, can the above implementation in Java make the video card think at all?
How can I specifically fix the load on the GPU instead of the CPU?
Additionally, where can I read about specific rendering with explicit GPU dispatch? Interested in how it actually works.

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1 answer(s)
Denis Koveshnikov, 2016-07-19

I don’t know how to look, but OpenGl is essentially a specification implemented in a specific library, which essentially implements an interface between video drivers and your program, so OpenGl should not use a percent.
And what did you mean about "specific" rendering also explicitly sent to the GPU? About explicit, it depends on .

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