egreen722014-09-21 21:13:27
egreen72, 2014-09-21 21:13:27

How to find out if a laptop is compatible with linux?

Tell me how to find out if the laptop is compatible with linux? I have a samsung R430. It would be desirable for development to get acquainted with linux.

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5 answer(s)
Sergey, 2014-09-21

Download any distribution that you can try without installation from livecd.
For example ubuntu. If everything starts, then everything will be ok. I think that problems are unlikely with old hardware, there can only be problems with very new ones.

Dmitry, 2014-09-21

Seems to be completely compatible. Extreme, not extreme... the main thing is the result. So take @Natann 's advice and install Lubuntu, Xubuntu, Just Ubuntu on Virtualbox.
Well, start with google on the topic of installing Ubuntu.
The main thing is to decide on the distro. Watch video reviews, try it in a virtual machine. Ubuntu derivatives have a good community, although others are not far behind. I don’t recommend anything, as they say, the taste and color of all felt-tip pens are different. But I started a long time ago with OpenSuse, then Debian, and now I like Xubuntu. My niece has been enjoying Elementary OS for almost a year now. True, at school, all sorts of presentations were required in PowerPoint ... In general, now in LibreOffice, making and bringing presentations is also good and everything will open and be shown. ;-)
compizomania compizomania.blogspot.com
Crossroads www.newalive.net
Debian.pro https://debian.pro
GNU/Linux - reviews, Linux for beginners zenway.ru
HowtoForge - Linux Howtos... www.howtoforge.com
IT Follow » Itfollow.ru
feed ITShaman itshaman.ru
Linux Journal - The Origi... www.linuxjournal.com
Linux.org.ru: News www.linux.org.ru
Linuxcenter.ru www.linuxcenter.ru
LinuxG.net linuxg.net
LinuxNov www.linuxnov.com
Noobs on Ubuntu, Mint and Debian, HD Wallpapers, Tutorials www.noobslab.com
OMG! Ubuntu! www.omgubuntu.co.uk
OpenNews.opennet.ru: Main feed www.opennet.ru
TuxArena www.tuxarena.com
Ubuntu Geek www.ubuntugeek.com
Ubuntu Kubuntu Xubuntu Linux feeds.feedburner.com "/>
Ubuntu Linux www.ubuntux .org
Ubuntu Portal ubuntuportal.com "/>
ubuntu snippets ubuntu-snippets.blogspot.com
Ubuntu Vibes | Daily Ubuntu Linux Updates www.ubuntuvibes.com "/>
UbuntuEasy.com ubuntueasy.com "/>
UbuntuHandbook » Feed ubuntuhandbook.org "/>
Web Upd8 - Ubuntu / Linux blog www.webupd8.org
Xfce News www.xfce.org
Xmodulo xmodulo.com
Xubuntu xubuntu.org
Xubuntu Geek xubuntugeek.blogspot.com
ZDNet | Linux And Open So... blogs.zdnet.com
Notes of an ubuntu tlanvar.blogspot.com
Notes of a Debian mydebianblog.blogspot.com
News - LinuxMD - Linux lovers site [Moldova] linuxmd.net
News of Open Source, GNU/Linux and UNIX by nixp.ruwww.nixp.ru

egreen72, 2014-09-21

but how not to be without extreme?)

Konstantin Kitmanov, 2014-09-21

The general algorithm is this: make a list of hardware that is in the laptop, then google any decent HCL and compare. People usually fight with video cards (Nvidia, AMD) and with wi-fi.

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