genesis392012-10-08 10:54:21
Intellectual property
genesis39, 2012-10-08 10:54:21

How to find out about copyright and copyright on software?

I'm interested in this question: If I found a DOS program on the net and want to port it to a more modern platform, how do I know if it is protected by copyrights / patents / copyrights? Are there specialized sites for finding this kind of information?

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2 answer(s)
Antelle, 2012-10-08

How is it “found”? Each program has an official website, or if in the source code, then it says what it is, where it comes from and what kind of license it is.

Alexey Firsov, 2012-10-09

You can also look in the meta-data (MD), some authors always leave signatures there clip2net.com/s/2ntDL
, some still have a license clause in the MD

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